Friday, December 26, 2008

A Photo Log of Christmas

(from a three year old).

Lucy got this for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Bonk:

It's a digital camera made for little kids. She could throw it down the stairs and it would keep on clickin' (not that she would EVER do that)....

Here are a few of Lucy's best photos from Christmas day:

Clearly, we have a budding Annie Leibovitz on our hands. We are so proud!
Hope yours was Merry! Now, onto the New Year.

1 comment:

icancarryallthebagsandthebabiestoo said...


I love those pics.

We have the same camera (though, no doubt the older model. Ours is pink.) I love that they can keep both eyes open to take pics.

Your look pretty clear. Ours are usually very grainy.