Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!

As you can see, Lucy is very excited for Santa to come with lots of presents!

In other exciting news, Lucy got her cast off on Wednesday. She's taken long luxurious baths each day since and is very happy to have her pink friend gone.

Happy Holidays to everyone. Our holiday card is a little late this year, as we've all been sick, sick and sick. Look for it remarketed as a Happy New Year card.


Mama Grouch said...

I missed taking Oscar to Santa this year! I might have to run out and see if we can get a picture on Sunday just because I want another one of him screaming on Santa's lap.

(am I a bad person because I think kids screaming on Santa's lap is one of the funniest parts of Christmas?)

Katie and David said...

This one looks different from last years. More crying and less of Santa!