Lucy's second day as a one year old, today, Setember 20th, started at 4:30am. She wouldn't go back to sleep, so I took her into the family room to crawl around and do whatever you do with a kid at 4:30am. Immediately, Lucy crawled over to the DVD cabinet and started pounding, and I really mean pounding on the doors. She wanted to watch Baby Einstein at 4:30am. What the? How did this happen? Then, after we fell back asleep after 6am, the neighbors woke us up at 7, building their new garage. I tried to make coffee, but forgot to put in a filter. Lucy refused to drink anything until noon, which equals bad mood. We went to the Dr. for Lucy's 12 month appointment, where she had to get a finger prick and a shot. The finger prick bandaid came off (in her mouth) in the exam room. I didn't notice, but the doctor did and fished it out of her mouth. Lucy then bled all over my white shirt. The shot capped the rest of the day off with a fever and less than desirable mood. But here is the good news. NO MORE FORMULA! I don't have to feed my child powder out of a can anymore! Day three and soy milk, here we come!
So does getting up before the sun make Lucy a night owl or an early riser? I was hoping there would be more Birthday celebration photos. Princess Lucy is officially one year young - Awesome!
Don't you mean her second day as a 12-month old?? ;) And, uhm, you didn't say -- did you reward her early waking with an Einstein viewing??
Pounding on the glass - I'd take that any day! Just you wait until the kids are old enough to use the remote contol. Alyssa will hide the DAMN thing so that no one else can change the channel (unless we get up off our arshes). Not a bad plan except 9 times out of 10 she forgot where she hid it and we go weeks without the remote only to find it in the garage in her bike basket........ Ahhhh, the days of pounding glass to get what you want........
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