I've been withholding a very important update, because the ramifications are huge. It could change everything...it has changed everything. Best to just come out with it. I can't drink coffee anymore. Or soda. Or consume chocolate. Well, I could, but I'd have a horrible gut ache and I'd feel like someone was stabbing me in the back. Seems the days of an iron stomach and tasty beverages are over. And the irony of it all, is I just inherited a wireless laptop. You know, wireless laptop = hanging out at cool coffee shops with Lucy and, consuming caffeine. I've been off the stuff for 2 weeks now, and that gallbladder that I was sure needed to be removed hasn't bothered me once. Oh, except when I ate that fire hot burrito last night and feel asleep with a bottle of tums in my hand. I'm hoping this is only temporary and I'll be back on the sauce soon. In the meantime, I guess you'll find me and Lucy at the park. She loves those swings!

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