He's a big kid, this Eli. He is in the 83rd percentile for height and 71 for weight. And that's all from breast milk my friends. You'd think I'd be a skinny minnie, but mother nature is cruel and evil to me.
All the kid wants to do is stand up. No tummy time, no sitting, just wants to stand. Enter, the jumperoo I bought on Craigslist for $30.
Lucy calls this hat his helmet. She gets funnier by the day. Today she told me she wanted to go on a vacation when she woke up from her non existent nap. Which brings me to my next announcement. Apparently, I've completely lost my mind as we are planning to take Lucy to Disney World in December. Please feel free to either tell me what a fantastic idea that is, or shake me until I wake up from my sleep deprived fog.