Monday, October 29, 2007

Ponys and Bugs

The first ponytail

Ladybugs invade neighborhood Halloween party

The little bug, always running away. We see lots of her back these days.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Photo Backlog

This is what life is like with Lucy. Always in motion, motion, motion

We went to a small local outdoor concert. Lucy had a blast, and so of course did we.

My lastest inspiration is the stage the band played on.

This is how Lucy feels about most hugs. But, she enjoys playing with her new friend.

The lake only a few blocks from our house. A few very hilly blocks, but it's still close. So close, that we may be drinking out of this hole if it doesn't rain around here soon.

The favorite new backpack.

Lucy created this stack of blocks all on her own. She's a block stacking master.

More original creations

And lastly, it should be noted in BOLD, that most, if not all photos are taken by Dad.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Same Blog, New Look

Now that things have settled down here slightly, I decided to spice things up at Baby Coffee. And by spice things up, I mean, let's try this out as a photo blog. And what I mean by photo blog is, more photos, less words. And all that could come out of this trial is more postings and less procrastination. Let's try it out -when blogger fixes some big problem it is currently having. The one day I decided to start a photo blog, I get the following error:

Unable to upload photo. We are aware of this problem and currently working on a fix

Maybe on Tuesday I won't be sabotaged? Stay tuned!