To start the posting today, I have two hysterical (well, at least we think so) videos of Lucy showing off her counting and alphabet abilities at the dinner table. For the latter part of the summer, dinner always came after the pool, and thus Lucy was only clad in a diaper. This also helped with the dirty clothes factor, since we'd just throw her in the tub and rinse off the dinner grime all over her body.
For your viewing pleasure:
Summer is officially over in Atlanta since our local pool is now closed. We went swimming for the last time on Saturday and it was chilly! A cool 80. Lucy didn't swim much and preferred to eat snacks and run around the pool watching the big kids do dives in the deep end.
On Sunday we had a birthday party for our Virgo family members, which include my father, 9/13, the twins who turned four on 9/16, and Lucy who will turn TWO on 9/19! It was like Christmas with all the presents and wrapping paper. We hosted the event in our home, and although it was a bit cramped with all the presents and cakes and people and toys, it was still a nice first gathering at the new house. We feel lucky to be able to celebrate all the Atlanta birthdays together with people ranging in age from 2 - 91!
Grass needs to be mowed, no matter what the occasion, or attire.

Cake - not so much. For Lucy, it's ALL ice cream (the soy kind), ALL the time. She asks for it at least once a day.

A rare moment with the Holy Grail.

The two cakes. One in honor of Teagan, Ramsey and Grandpa. The other, for Lucy without eggs, milk, or nuts. She of course didn't care for cake and just wanted ice cream.

The twins playing in the sand box we made for Lucy's birthday. Notice, Lucy is nowhere to be seen. She prefers to play in the pile of 'run off' sand at the bottom of the drive way.