Thursday, March 30, 2006


Tomorrow morning could be very scary. Lucy went to bed tonight at 6:30pm. She's been waking up at 5am...five in the morning...five hours after midnight...2 hours before The Today show even starts and 4 hours before Target opens. So usually, she goes to bed around 7 or 7:30. But the past couple of nights she's gone into complete meltdown mode at about 6pm with no apparent cause. Try to feed bottle - not hungry. Check diaper - dry. Heat up food - spits it in my face. Walk around - almost drop her because she's wiggling so much. Try to feed bottle again - starts screaming louder. Put her in the bumbo/johnny jump up/saucer/various floor space throughout the house - obviously not happy. Finally, shrug shoulders and put her in bed. She wines a couple of times, eyes roll back into head and she drifts off to baby dream land. So the reason I'm so scared is because she went to bed about an HOUR earlier than she normally does. Am I going to need to find something to do for 3 hours (starting at 4am) with Lucy while we wait for The Today show to come on? Will I be eating lunch when others are normally having their first cup of coffee? My only shred of hope is that I read somewhere in the myriad of books/articles/internet postings I frantically read for sleeping tips, that if you put a baby to bed earlier in the evening, they will actually sleep later the next morning. Sounds like a bunch of voodoo hocus pocus that might work on every other baby in the world, but not mine. It's 8:40pm, I better get to bed.

But first, look at this cute photo of the early riser.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tech Savvy and Cool

We took the Chariot out today for a walk around Lake Harriet. That's the lake behind Lucy, ah, yeah, IT'S STILL FROZEN, but the sun graced us with it's warmth and everyone seemed happy. Most people even smiled or said hello or remarked at what a beautiful day it was, which is out of character for Minnesotans. If you need help, they are there for ya, but in the meantime, don't make eye contact. As we were walking I was wondering what, if anything Lucy thinks about being put into the car seat and or the stroller. Does she know I'm right behind her the entire time, or does she think I'm off somewhere doing grown up things? She doesn't seem to mind either contraption and likes looking around at the world.

We don't have anything else planned for the next couple of days. Could be my first dry spell of things to write about on my blog. Don't worry, I'm sure something exciting will happen. I've fixed the comments problem, so feel free to leave one if compelled. So far, my favorite feedback about this whole blog thing was from Ledoux, who remarked "Dude you are either losing it or are extremely tech savvy and cool. Let me think and get back to you". I prefer to think of the latter. Others will politely disagree.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

The sun was out for more than 20 minutes today. A sure sign Spring is on the way. In hopes that the snow will soon be melted, Lucy donned her first bike Helmut. The bunnies are in honor of my mother. Well, okay, there weren't any other 'girl' choices - and that's a whole 'nother blog topic in and of itself; Why does our baby need to have a girlie Helmut?

No, we don't expect our 6 month old baby to ride a bike quite yet, but we do plan to haul her around behind our bikes in the wonderful 'Chariot'. The Chariot is our combination jogging stroller, bike hauler, cross country ski polk puller and anything else we can dream up. And in order to not have the backs of our shirts seared off by the laser-death-ray-eye-glares from the safety parent police, Lucy needs a brain bucket. Yes, we plan to buckle it and fit it better to her head. Remember, this was just a trial fitting to celebrate the shining sun.

Yeah sun - come on sun. Warm our earth. We want to play outside.

Monday, March 27, 2006

She's a Wilk-loh

Lucy loves food. Bananas, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, oat cereal, squash, peaches, prunes. That's her world of food now. She loves food so much, she doesn't want to drink formula. I feel like we've been here before. When she started on the bottle, she only wanted the bottle and no more breast feeding. When she starts something new, she goes all the way without looking back. Don't worry though. The doctor said some babies gradually decrease their formula intake, and others do it over night. Lucy picked the over night option.

She's in bed now, but not doing a very good job of sleeping.


I honestly didn't think this day would ever come. I'd convinced myself that Lucy would be acting like 4 month old high maintenance Lucy for the rest of her life. Today, I was shown otherwise. Lucy sat on the floor and played with her toys, while I, first made dinner, then ate dinner, then cleaned up dinner. Of course Ken was working (yes, on a Sunday), so there were no witnesses to this incredible day. I did snap a picture for proof though - see my dinner in the background? I think she was even annoyed when I called her name to look at the camera. She looked, but more in an annoyed, "Ma-ohm, I'm play-ing", sort of way. I figured this would be a good day to start a Lucy and Amy blog. Who knows how long I'll keep it up. I should have started this during the hellaciously long winter. I'm not convinced it's over yet, but the sun did shine today and it was above 40 degrees. I even took the fleece wrap out of Lucy's car seat. She just goes out and about now with a blanket. She's six months old, she's a big girl.